Submit Manuscript

Authors are strongly recommended to register with IJALS and login to submit their manuscript through the online submission form provided. On successfull submission of your manuscript, you shall receive an acknowledgement email and a manuscript id  will be provided. During the submission process author must click the checkbox provided to accept the covering letter and copyright form agreements which are automatically generated before submitting their manuscript. Authors can view the status of the manuscript online by logging in with their username and password. 

Registration is an one-time process only. Authors who had registered already need not register once again. They can login with their username and password to submit their manuscript through the online submission form provided. Authors can use the same username and password for submitting their manuscript for all the journals under United Life Publications.

Authors should not mention their name or any other details in the Manuscript they are attaching while online submission. All the details should be entered in the Covering Letter and Copyright form during submission. Authors whose manuscript contains their names and other details shall be advised to resubmit the manuscript after removing all the details. The MS Word file uploaded should contain only the title of the manuscript. This will be very helpful for a fair and unbiased review.

Please go through the author guideline before submitting your manuscript. Otherwise your manuscript may be rejected.

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