
Review of Manuscript

Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by anonymous referees and manuscripts which does not meet the journal requirements and standards will be rejected. The final decision on publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief upon recommendation of an Associate Editor and/or Editorial Board Members. If manuscript is accepted for publication in IJALS, it must not be published in any periodical elsewhere without the permission of the Editor-in-Chief.


Standard abbreviations should be used throughout the manuscript. All nonstandard abbreviations should be kept to a minimum level and must be defined in the text following their first use. The author should follow internationally agreed rules, especially those adopted by the IUPAC – IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (CBN). The journal will essentially follow the rules defined in the IUPAC manual of symbol and terminology for physical – chemical quantities and units (Butterworths, London), 1970. Enzyme names may be abbreviated except on for the first occasion, where the full name and abbreviations in parenthesis should be given.

Scientific Names

The complete scientific name (genus, species and authority) must be cited for every organism at the first mention. The generic name may be abbreviated to the initial thereafter except where intervening references to other genera with the same initial could cause confusion. If vernacular names are employed, they must be accompanied by the correct scientific name on first use.


Author(s) involving in the usage of experimental animals and human subjects in their research article should seek approval from the appropriate Ethical Committee and in the method section of the manuscript should include a statement to prove that investigation was approved and that informed consent was obtained.

Special Issues

From time to time Guest Editors are invited to produce Special Issues consisting of three or more articles grouped around a common theme. Proposal for special issues are welcome, as are guest editorial and announcements.

Copyright Policy

Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has been neither published nor submitted for publication, in whole or in part, either in a serial, professional journal or as a part in a book which is formally published and made available to the public. For the mutual benefit and protection of authors and publishers copyright form and covering letter will be electronically generated while submitting the manuscript to IJALS. Since it is an electronically generated manuscript, no signature of the author is required. By accepting the terms and conditions in the covering letter and copyright form, the author abides to all the rules and regulations of the journal.

English Corrections

This journal is published in English, so it is essential that for proper refereeing and quick publication, all manuscripts are submitted in grammatically corrected English. For this purpose we request that non-native English speakers ensure their manuscripts are checked for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes before submitting them for consideration.

Manuscript Charges

Each accepted paper is required to pay the processing charge of Rs. 1050/- for Authors who reside in India and US dollar $110 or Euro 90 per manuscript for Authors who are not citizens of India or not residing in India.


Papers will normally be published in order of acceptance by the Editors, quickly as soon as the corrected electronic manuscripts are received. The details of the published papers will be communicated to the corresponding author by e-mail.


While submitting the manuscript the corresponding authors should declare that the manuscript is original and is not published or communicated for publication elsewhere either in part or full. Without declaration the manuscript are not considered for their publication. Authors are entirely responsible if any dispute arise after the publication of their manuscript. If any dispute arises, IJALS will not hold any responsibility and the manuscript will be withdrawn from the particular issue. No refund of the processing fee will be issued to the author.


No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. The respective authors are responsible for the facts and views expressed in their articles