Authors :
M. Karuthapandi, D.V. Rao and B. Xavier innocent*,
Author Address :
Freshwater Biology Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Hyderabad - 500 048. *Department of Zoology, St, Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai – 627 002.
Abstract :
A total 38 species of different zooplankton groups were explored from the littoral regions of Umdasagar, Hyderabad. Among these various zooplankton communities, rotifers constitute high species richness with 32 species and 3 species each of cladocera and copepod. The high density (194.3 Units/L) and diversity (H’=1.876) of zooplankton during winter season, whereas during monsoon less density (21No/L) and diversity (H’= 0.67) of the zooplankton communities were observed, and in summer season moderate changes with increase in density and diversity were noticed. The physicochemical profile of the system shows the water body is alkaline in nature, hard water, and moderate nutrient enrichment during monsoon which may be due to outside runoff. The dissolved oxygen content is about 10.24±0.54mg/L, which shows the good sign of this aquatic system. The present preliminary seasonal study on zooplankton composition, diversity and physicochemical properties of the Umdasagar shows mesotrophic during winter and eutrophic during monsoon. However, further regular monthly based study and more quantitative analysis required for further confirmation of the exact trophic status of the system.
Keywords :
Zooplankton, composition, diversity and trophic status.