Authors :
Shah Nisha, R*, and Panchal Hetal, K
Author Address :
*Dolat - Usha Institute of Applied Sciences and Dhiru - Sarla Institute of Management & Commerce, Valsad-396001. Email :
Abstract :
In this article an attempt is made to review different types of fibrinolytic enzymes from different sources, its production and application. The study reveals fibrinolytic enzymes such as Staphylokinase, Nattokinase, and Streptokinase can act as a potent thrombolytic agent. These agents can be useful therapy for dissolving blood clots by activating plasminogen to plasmin, which further act on fibrin clots. These enzymes have been isolated from Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Streptococci etc. There are different works carried on to make the production of fibrinolytic enzymes easy, cost effective using cheap substrate such as cowdung, agricultural waste etc. Work on fibrinolytic enzymes can reduce the harmfulness of other thrombolytic agents such as EDTA and heparin by increasing its activity and shell life.
Keywords :
Staphylokianse, Nattokinase, streptokinase, tissue plasminogen activator and thrombolytic agents.