Authors :
R.Raja Rishi*, N.D.Barthakur, R.K.Borah, Rajesh Kumar and Shailesh Pandey
Author Address :
Forest Protection Division, Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat – 785 001 (Assam) India. *Email.
Abstract :
Pest surveys were carried out in Golaghat, Jorhat, Kamrup, Nagaon, Sivasagar and Sonitpur districts of Assam State, India for the pest species infesting different commercially important bamboo species such as Bambusa balcooa, Bambusa nutans, Bambusa pallida and Bambusa tulda during the period from 2010-13 and recorded 31 insect pests and one mite belonging to various orders. Based on the intensity of pest attack, the sap feeders Antonina sp., Ceratovacuna silvestrii and Palmicultor lumpurensis, the defoliators Psara licarsisalis, Crocidophora sp., Pyrausta coclesalis, Hexacentrus unicolor and Discophora sondaica were categorized as major pests. Six new hosts were recorded as Discophora sondaica, Nemetis chandica and Myzus obtusirostris on Bambusa pallida, Baoris farri the defoliator on Bambusa tulda and the aphid Ceratovacuna silvestrii on Bambusa nutans during the study. The defoliating pests Crocidophora sp., Discophora sondaica, Hexacentrus unicolor, Parasa sp., Psara licarsisalis, Pyrausta coclesalis were found high during the month from May to August and the sap sucking pests were found high during the month of January to March.
Keywords :
Infestation, sap feeders, defoliator, Myzus obtusirostris, Ceratovacuna silvestrii.