Authors :
B. Chittibabu and N. Akilan,
Author Address :
Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Annamalai University, Chidambaram - 608002, Tamilnadu, India
Abstract :
The purpose of the study is to compare hand grip strength between university level cricket and handball players. To achieve the purpose 25 cricket players and 32 handball players aged between 18-28 years were selected from the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Annamalai University. These players had a right hand as the dominant hand. Grip dynamometer was used for measuring grip strength of both dominant and non dominant hand. For statistical analyses independent t ratio of unequal sample size was performed. The result of the study showed there was no significant difference between university level cricket and handball players on dominant (t = 0.240, p > 0.811) and non dominant (t = 0.759, p > 0.451) hand grip strength. However, the mean values depict handball players dominate in the dominant hand and cricket players on non dominant hand grip strength. It is concluded that these findings suggest that different sports events could constitute different effects on hand grip strength and which has to be should be considered to sports performance.
Keywords :
Grip strength, Grip dynamometer, Cricket, Handball and ANOVA