Authors :
B. Kavitha, P. Doraisamy and M. Maheswari,
Author Address :
Department of Environmental Sciences, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore- 641 003, Tamil Nadu, India
Abstract :
A laboratory germination experiment was conducted at Department of Environmental Sciences, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore to study the effect of agro chemicals such as Allwin Wonder and Allwin Top. Allwin wonder and Allwin top contains humic substances, macro and micro nutrients such as N, P, K, Fe, Zn and Mg. Among the different treatment, Allwin wonder @ 3.125 kg ha-1 and Allwin top @ 312.5 g ha-1 recorded the highest seed germination, shoot length, root length, dry matter production and vigour index of maize [CoH(M) 5], sunflower (TCSH 1), tomato (PKM 1) and green gram (CO 4).
Keywords :
Agro chemicals, Allwin wonder, Allwin top, humic substances and Germination